8 Week Winter Session
January 13th to March 13th
Advance registration essential.
The studio will be closed for Family Day on Monday, February 17th. The missed Monday class has been added on to the end of the session on March 10th.
Payment Options:
8 Week Session Prices
All 60 Minute Courses i.e. Foundation 1 & 2 $169 +HST= $190.97
All 90 Minute Courses
(Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday) $269 +HST = $303.97
Multiple Course Discounts
(16 classes) Two 60 minute classes weekly $320 +HST
(24 classes) Three 60 minute classes weekly $456+HST
(16 classes) Two 90 minute classes weekly $499.00+HST
(24 classes) Three 90 minute classes weekly $699.00+HST
(16 classes) One 60 minute & One 90 minute weekly $448.00+HST
Single Class (Try a Class Option) Click here
for info.
One 60 Minute Class $25/class ($28.25 with HST)
One 90 minute class $35/class ($39.55 with HST)
There are no credits, refunds, or transfers to future sessions once you have registered.
Foundation 1 (Intro for Beginners)
Designed for the absolute Beginner and recommended that students repeat the course several times until they have a solid grasp of foundational skills before advancing to more challenging levels. The course is broken into modules where you learn specific technique skills, combinations and a short routine in each module. You'll be learning the essential building blocks of Egyptian dance from the roots. Learn the proper posture, hip and upper body isolations, basic shimmies, belly work, footwork patterns and much more. This is a progressive course and builds week to week.
Mondays 7-8pm. (Jennifer) ; Thursdays 8:15-9:15pm. (Jennifer)
& Saturdays 11:00am-Noon. (Stephanie) Starts week of January 13th
Foundation 2 - Bellydance Plus
Once you've mastered the Foundation 1 step vocabulary, get ready for more challenge in our Foundation 2 course where we'll add more steps and movement, refine technique, develop your ear for the music and work on smooth transitions from one move to the next.
Mondays 8-9pm. (Jennifer) Starts January 13th Saturdays Noon-1pm. (Stephanie) Starts January 18th
The Ultimate Technique & Drills Class (Foundation 2 to Int./Advanced level)
A 90 minute class designed to drill, refine and develop your ear for the music.
Every kind of movement from arms & hands, footwork, across the floor,
Baladi and Raqs Sharqi styles and more. This class brings together dance students from Level 2 to Intermediate/Advanced who want a serious class full of practice drills and refinement. Modifications will be given for all levels.
Pre-requisite for this course is that you have completed a minimum of Foundation 1 & 2 with us.
Tuesdays 7:00-8:30pm. with Jo (Starts January 21st)
Bridge to Intermediate/Continuing Dancer Intensive
Designed for the dance student who has built a strong foundation in our level 2 course and is ready for more challenge and development. This course builds and expands on your foundational technique beyond the Beginner level. We focus on broadening your movement and step vocabulary, quality of movement, musicality, tempos and rhythms, choreography and much more.
Wednesdays 6:45-8:15pm. with Joharah (Starts January 22nd)
ntermediate to Advanced
Technique/Combos & Choreography
Jo teaches technique together with a wide range of fantastic, practical combos that can be used and varied in any number of Egyptian dance styles. Students work on footwork, weight shifting, transitions a wide range of body movements, use of arms and hands, face (gaze, head position, facial expression). Students learn how to adapt combinations to other styles, change their arm movements and adjust hip technique plus how to blend and mix combinations to create longer sequences. Every class introduces a variety of new combos and choreography.
Thursdays 6:45-8:15pm. with Jo Starts January 23rd
Fluidity in Raqs Sharqi
This workshop focuses on all the elements you need to move exquisitely in the dance form. I’ll share tips to help you create beautiful, seamless transitions, from hips to hands and everything in between. You’ll learn how to put it all together through elegant sequences of Orientale dance movement.
Sunday, February 9th
Single workshop:$65 Take both: $110
Raqs Sharqi Fundamentals
This workshop is an all out drill-fest focusing on the essential repertoire of Orientale dance movement. Lots of on the spot feedback and adjustment will be offered. This workshop is great for every level. Yalla let’s get in there and get to work!
Sunday, March 9th
Single workshop:$65 Take both: $110