BellyUp on Patreon

Join Joharah on Patreon and get access to a growing library of pre-recorded instructional videos best suited for Beginners and Continuing students that you can use at home, anytime, as often as you want. Cancel anytime. 

When you become a BellyUp Patron on the Patreon membership platform, you are supporting our studio and artistry in so many ways. In return you get the convenience of training at home with our exceptional instruction. Sign up directly through Patreon for access to these videos and get started today. You can cancel anytime. 

Click here to become a monthly member and get training today! 
Our current library includes content to keep you dancing plus the library continues with more and more instructional videos added. Some of the content includes: 

Videos are different lengths so you can pick and choose and create the perfect class to suit your mood and energy level that day. Want a quick drilling session? Want to learn a choreography? Want to work on a specific technique? Want to learn a jumbo combo? It's all there waiting for you. 

Joharah teaches the Pre-Recorded Classes at the studio to give you the BellyUp vibe and feeling of actually being there with her in the class.  The videos are full of her juicy nuggets regarding technique and culture that she known to offer in her in-studio classes. This truly is the exact replica of the in-class experience without the students. The instruction is well-paced. The audio is clear. The videos are perfectly paced to let you digest the instruction and work up a good sweat as you and Jo practice along together. 
Past Workshops
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